
Uniqa insurance workshop at AutoZubak EDU academy

First thing’s first; Uniqa for the win!

We conducted training for Uniqa Insurance’s Claims Department in our newly opened AutoZubak EDU Academy. All Uniqa assessors from across Croatia attended our full-day training program.

AutoZubak EDU program is tailored to the specific needs of the industry and provides a comprehensive response to the key challenges of today’s claims structure in Croatia. In addition to theoretical part, participants also had the opportunity to get a practical feel of our techniques: “smart repair”, paintless dent repair (PDR), plastic repair, suspension inspection, and the process of electric vehicle repair.

Big thanks to our partners from Uniqa for their excellent feedback, as well as our AutoZubak colleagues Ronald Pleško, Krešimir Jambrišak, Bruno Mišković, Nikola Šubić, and Danijel Ivanković for delivering outstanding presentations.